Lets face it, technology has become an indelible part of all of our lives, even while traveling. Now days, it doesn’t really matter where you go, you’ll probably be taking a smartphone, tablet, or laptop along with you. These devices not only help us to stay in contact with friends and family back home, they also allow us to document our travels in new ways, while providing plenty of entertainment
options too. Considering just how useful mobile technology has become, it should be no surprise that there are plenty of great apps that are perfect for the adventure traveler as well. Here are six of them that you should have installed on your gadgets right now.
All Trails Hiking and Mountain Biking Trails (Free)
With its comprehensive database of more than 50,000 trails spread out across North America, this app is perfect for anyone looking for a great hiking or mountain biking route in the places that they visit. It includes a list of the trails closest to your current location and it provides user reviews and photos as well. Topographical maps help to give you an idea of the lay of the land, and you can even record and share your own routes using your phone’s built in GPS functionality. Available for both iPhone and Android, this is a fantastic resource to have in your pocket at all times.
Google Translate (Free)
Google’s excellent translation software has always been handy for interpreting text while traveling. The software is capable of understanding more than 90 languages, and can be a real lifesaver when faced with a language barrier that is difficult to overcome. But the latest version of their smartphone app includes a nifty feature that makes it even more useful than previous versions. The new “Word Lens” option allows you to point your phone’s camera directly at road signs and other markers and have it translate their meaning automatically right on the screen. The feature currently works with 36 different language combinations with more expected to be added in the future. Download the app now for iOS or Android.
GateGuru (Free)
GateGuru has been around for awhile, but it continues to be an incredibly useful tool for frequent travelers. The idea behind this app is a simple one. It provides information about which restaurants, bars, shops, and other amenities can be found in the various terminals of an airport, allowing you to quickly find a good place to relax between flights. But recent updates have allowed the app to do so much more than that. For instance, it now provides up to date information on arrivals and departures for hundreds of airports across the globe. It also provide maps for those airports as well, and can share realtime information on the status of your flight. Add in weather information, estimated wait times at TSA checkpoints, and rental car bookings and you start to see why this is such a useful app. GateGuru is available for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone devices.
Packing Pro ($2.99)
If you’re one of those travelers who struggles to remember to pack everything you need for your adventures, than Packing Pro is made specifically for you. It includes a database of more than 800 items, in a wide variety of categories, to bring with you on your trips, and it can automatically suggest items based on the number of travelers and days that you’ll be gone. The app provides reminders of the important things you don’t want to leave behind, and even offers sample packing lists as well. Your lists can be shared with others, and iCloud integration means that they will seamlessly sync across all of your devices. Never leave home without the proper gear again thanks to Packing Pro, which is only available for iOS at this time.
Google Earth (Free)
There is nothing quite like having a map of the entire planet right in the palm of your hands. Google Earth is a fantastic tool for adventure travelers, whether they are at home or on the road. Not only does it allow you explore a destination thoroughly before you go, it can actually give you a good indication of your surroundings while traveling there as well. The software’s satellite imagery and points of interest database are top-notch, as is the ground-level photography too. This makes it a invaluable resource on all your adventures. Best of all, Google Earth is available on computers, Android, and iOS.
RootsRated (Free)
This app is specifically designed to help adventure travelers discover fantastic outdoor places at the destinations that they are visiting. It contains a database of the best hiking, climbing, biking, paddling, trail running, and camping spots near some of the larger cities throughout the U.S. That database is growing on a regular basis, with new content and suggestions being added all of the time. So far there are more than 4700 outdoor locations cataloged across 71 cities, with the help of over 660 local experts. The result is a that no matter where you go, you’ll find a place to enjoy the outdoor activities that you’re passionate about. The app is available for iOS only at this time.